Monday, September 6, 2010

I've come to the conclusion..

Less clutter = more focus;

More focus = more discipline;

More discipline = more accomplished;

More accomplished = more value;

More value = more success;

More success = more money;

More money = more possibilities;

More possibilities = more freedom;

More freedom = more magic;

More magic = more imagination;

More imagination = more creativity;

More creativity = more happiness;

More happiness = more living;

More living = more purpose;

More purpose = more understanding;

More understanding = more consciousness;

More consciousness = more enlightenment;

More enlightenment = more wisdom;

More wisdom = more simplicity;

More simplicity = more truth;

More truth = more compassion;

More compassion = more love;

More love = more peace;

More peace = more tribe;

More tribe = 21st century global evolution..!

..ya dig..? lol ;-)

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Goin tr tr tribal baby!

In our amazing and wonderful world
we're all ever so blessed with the families that raise us.

For some of us, our family is the most challenging thing
the universe will ever put in front of us...
For others of us, our family is the most supporting
and encouraging thing the universe has ever given us!

We're never able to choose our family...
But we are able to choose our tribe! :-)

A tribe to me is a group or gathering of people
that share similar energies and vibe together
for a higher cause or greater existence.

A tribe takes care of each other no matter what
and makes sure that everyone succeeds and is loved.

I've recently joined the water tribe
and it is the most awesome heart based tribe i've ever been a part of!
These days I'm learning the ways of the tribe,
by helping to heal others naturally,
share education for free,
and nurture and support each other for optimal growth!

I have learned to love beyond myself
and extend my love/heart energy out into the world.

To sum this up.
Like minds, like hearts and like energies
can shift and change this world for the better;
but only together can we do it!

Love and gratitude! :-D
Thank you!

Where focus goes, Energy flows!

Have you ever felt in life like you can't get anything done that you started?
Like life is too cluttered and inconsistent?
Like you're searching for something more in life but can't find it?

Well if none of those fit into your life you can stop reading now... lol
But as for me, that explains the last 4 and a half years of my conscious existence..
Then one day I learned about the law of attraction.
I learned that whatever we think about and ask the universe for eventually comes true
whether we want it to or not..!

At first I was like, uhhhmm yah... ok.., 
so what have I been thinking about?
Have my thoughts been serving a higher purpose?
Do they not only benefit me but also my friends, family and tribe?

And I realized, no... Not really... haha
I was wasting my time working a dead end job,
watching family guy on hulu, eating junk food,
going out for beers every once and while, etc...
Whatever I was doing it wasn't really fulfilling my urge
to be bigger than life.

I had to do something to change and it needed to happen soon.
For me, I wanted to heal myself naturally and learn to help heal others.
So I put that intent and energy out into the universe.
I started changing my diet,
instead of a candy bar i'd get an apple
or if I really had a sweet tooth i'd go to this
neat little Mexican market and get fresh fruit juice drinks,
my favorite was papaya! lol
I started hiking every here and there,
watching documentaries instead of cartoons
and other mind numbing tv shows,
and stopped going out as much.

I started to hone my focus on things that benefitted me
and my well being.
By doing so, i've been able to attract the right people into my life
to help raise my energy levels up to a point where I can help my friends, family and tribe.
The more my focus improved in beneficial areas of life,
the more I found myself in the 'flow' of life.
Everything just happened to fall into place; effortlessly.

This also applied when I focused on the negative things in life
but that wasn't nearly as cool.
I don't recommend. :-)

These days I focus on water and it's healing properties
on our bodies and in our lives.
Through my focus in this arena I have improved my health 
and the health of my family and tribe.
I smile more often and feel less stressed.
It's not the easiest thing in the world to change directions in life,
not in the slightest...
I just had to choose what I focused on to be more beneficial in the long run.

I looked at it like this,
if I focus on learning about healing
will this benefit me in 1 year from now?
3 years from now?
5 years from now?
If I didn't get a yes,
I didn't focus on it.
Simple as that.

So for me, in life,
where my focus goes
I always know that is where my Energy will flow!

I hope this helps in your life my friends.

In deepest love and gratitude,
thank you,
~Jonny T. Bamboo :-)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

United we stand, dehydrated we fall.

I promise to keep things as simple as I can,
thank you, thank you, thank you for your time and open mind!

A high percentage of living things, plants, animals and humans are found in water.
We're all largely composed of water;
about 70-90 percent of all organic matter on our planet is water.

So then, if this is the case..
What happens when our 3% of fresh drinking water runs out?

By supporting the bottled water industry and meat industry alone
we are contributing largely to our early onset of national and global drought...

First, as for bottled water we must wonder
where the bottled waters are coming from?
Here's an example, FIJI water.
It comes from the FIJI islands and because of that, half the island
that the bottled water industry takes water from is now in drought..
Also, give this some thought.
How is that water supposed to get back into the eco-system to make more water
if it's no longer there because the bottled water companies are taking it away..?
Simple answer.. It's not..
Streams are drying up and lakes and water reserves are going down.
By purchasing bottled water, we are supporting this...

As for the consumption of meat according to National Geographic
to raise just one cow from birth to slaughter,
it takes roughly 816,600 gallons of water.

So we give roughly 816,600 gallons water to a cow to produce only about 440 pounds
of beef and this is supposed to make sense..?
I don't know about you but to me this is nuts...

That means it takes around 1,856 gallons of water to produce just one pound of meat that we eat.
One hamburger takes about 634 gallons of water to produce.
589 gallons for processed cheese, 138 per one yogurt,
84 for apples, 55 for oranges, 37 per cup of coffee, 31 for potatoes,
20 per glass of beer, 9 for one glass of tea.
And the list goes on.
Again this is from the beginning of production to the end.

A human diet that regularly includes meat requires 60 percent more water
than a diet that's predominantly vegetarian.
With the world's middle class expanding, meat consumption is expected to double by 2050.
This my friends, is no good news.. :-(

The research is out there,
this is just the tip of the tip of the iceberg.
My hopes are to just get your mind thinking
and to spark your curiosity so you do your own research
and find your own truth.

Now is the time to prepare and choose most wisely.
United we can prevent our nation from going into drought
in the next 40 years.
Every great thing starts with the movement of one.
If there's anything that should be super sized
it's our courage to take charge of our own lives
the lives of our family, our tribe and our nation.

In deepest love and gratitude,
thank you,
~Jonny T. Bamboo :-)